We help our clients to invest in Ukraine



Are you interested in investing in Ukraine or do you think of it?

Advantageous geographical position for expansion to eastern markets
Ukraine is an important milepost connecting Asia with Europe. Four of ten Pan-European corridors run across the country. Ukraine is an interesting starting point for business activities both for West and for East as well.

46 millions of inhabitants and 27th largest country in the world
In 1991 Ukraine has gained its independence. Ukraine is member of the World Trade Organization, United Nations and CIS. Kiev, the capital has 3 million of inhabitants. 60% of the population is religious believers. Ukrainian is official language.

Low competition in many industrial fields
Being still underestimated Eastern Block country, Ukraine offers a large and especially profitable market space for any commercial articles or intentions. Travel industry can be mentioned as an example.

Available and large-scale raw materials
A fertile black soil provides agriculture sector with prosperity and covers majority of the country. Also huge resources of minerals, black coal, wood or healing springs are here.

Qualified labour force
Education means for Ukrainians a great priority. Ukraine is 4th country in the world in number of University graduated people. University degree and specialisation within the field is considered as a base here.

Significant cost saving for wages, energies and raw materials
Thanks to currency economic status you will have lower wage expenditures in Ukraine compared to other European countries and you can take advantage of state tax reliefs. For gas, power or gasoline you will spend notably less than in any other EU state.